Monday 28 November 2011

Music Contents Page Analysis 4

·        One large page sized picture is used to fill up the majority of page
·        The page uses a red background and then on the right is which was where they put the text
·        The person photographed is a rapper and hip hop artist GZA, and he is wearing an orange top and this contrasts with the red background, which can attract the reader’s attention. The rapper is a black male aged 30-40, so it would indicate that the magazine is mainly aimed at teenage rap fans and older of all ethnicities and all genders.
·        The whole page has been used to leave hardly any space left unused, and the space on the right is for the text and sub headings.
·        The contents page has a picture of a subject (in this case someone popular) that will interest the reader (medium close up).
·        Colours and font used that contrasts with the background colour and make it look very hard, and a little ghetto so it would appeal to hip hop and rap fans.
·        Expressions of subject on contents page is a concentrated facial expression.

Music Contents Page Analysis 3

·        One large page sized picture is used to fill up the page
·        The page uses a lot of fades (black) and on the right it is almost totally faded black which was where they put the text
·        The person photographed is a rapper Eminem, but he is in a suit and looks formal which is unusual so it interests the reader as to why he is dressed that way. The rapper is a white male aged 30-40, so it would indicate that the magazine is mainly aimed at teenage rap fans and older of all ethnicities and all genders
·        The whole page has been used to leave no space left unused, and there is a space left on the right saved especially for the text and sub headings.
·        The contents page has a picture of a subject (in this case someone popular) that will interest the reader (medium close up).
·        Colours and font used that contrasts with the background colour and make it easy but in a way make it fun or interesting to read
·        Expressions of subject on contents page is a concentrated facial expression.

Music Contents Page Analysis 2

·        One large picture used to fill up half of the page.
·        The page is structured with large heading, and the subject on the large picture is put in front of the heading/ master head.
·        The person in the picture is a black female in the age group of 20-30 and is Ciara a model and singer which could mean it could be generally aimed at a teenage age group for both genders and older and of all ethnicities.
·        There is no space left in the picture unused, every space is used with pictures and large heading. Also short captions are used to fill in blanks, but serve a useful purpose.
·        The contents page has a picture of a subject (long shot)  and in this case someone popular to attract readers attention, Ciara that will interest the reader
·        Colours and font used that contrasts with the background colour and make it easy but in a way make it fun or interesting to read
·        Expressions of subject on contents page are usually mutual facial expressions
·        Heading or logo is always big and stands out so it is the first thing the reader sees
·        Contents page has many pictures giving the reader a taste of what is to feature in the magazine potentially further enticing the reader

Music Contents Page Analysis

·        One large picture, and 4 smaller ones to surround it all have page numbers and a short caption.
·        The page is structured with large heading, and the subject on the large picture is put in front of the heading/ master head.
·        The person in the picture is a black female in the age group of 20-30 and is keyshia dior a model and actor which could mean it could be generally aimed at a teenage age group for both genders and older and of all ethnicities, but they are rap fans.
·        There is no space left in the picture unused, every space is used with pictures and large heading. Also short captions are used to fill in blanks, but serve a useful purpose.
·        The contents page has a picture of a subject (medium close up)  and in this case someone popular to attract readers attention, keyshia dior that will interest the reader
·        Colours and font used that contrasts with the background colour and make it easy but in a way make it fun or interesting to read
·        Expressions of subject on contents page are usually mutual facial expressions
·        Heading or logo is always big and stands out so it is the first thing the reader sees
·        Contents page has many pictures giving the reader a taste of what is to feature in the magazine potentially further enticing the reader

Tuesday 22 November 2011

College Magazine Contents Page

I was asked to create a college magazine cover and contents page and I have done this as followed:

I used a wide shot for the contents page of my magazine as I wanted a contents page with more than 1 person in it, and it ended up as a group photo. My aim was to fill up as much of the page as I could whilst still having a nice background. The picture I took was were the subjects are all looking at the camera relaxing toegether on the steps to represent a friendship, and portay the college as a friendly community. All are looking at the camera except one which is looking at the bottom right side (from their perspective), in an attempt to interest the reader to see what he is looking at. Also there is a relaxed sense to the magazine because of the body language of all the subjects.

I went for a simple lay out putting contents of the magazine in the middle near the top so that is didnt interfere too much with the subjects in the picture. Also when it came to the font I used a green masthead because its bright, vibrant and friendly which could influence the reader to become interested in the magazine and making them feel comfortable reading it.

College Magazine Front Page

I was asked to create a college magazine cover and contents page and I have done this as followed:
I used a medium close up for the front page of my magazine. My aim was to fill up as much of the page as I could , but my picture was going to take up most of my page. The picture I took was one were the subject is looking at the bottom right side (from their perspective), and their face is without emotion but gives a sense of interest because of the look given. Also there is a relaxed sense to the magazine because of the body language.

I went for a simple lay out putting the cover lines on the bottom left hand side, and kept everything simple so I didnt mess up things and make stuff more complicated for me than it should be, and added a bar code because the magazine would need to be purchased. Also when it came to the font I used a purple masthead to represent the college colours of Christ the King, and for cover-lines I attempted to use bright colours as they would catch out the readers eye. The colours i chose were yellow, red and baby blue as I felt these colours were bright and vibrant.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Target Audience Research

I asked 4 people the following questions and will further on post the responses:
1. Have you ever bought a music magazine?
2. If yes what brand and how many times?
3. When was the last time you bought a music magazine?
4. What do you look for in a music magazine?
5. Who is your favourite artist?
6. What artists would make you want to buy a music magazine if you saw them on the cover?
7. Would gender or sex appeal influence your choice in purchase?
8. How old are you?
9. What is your ethnicity?
10. What genres of music do you particularly like?
11. Who is your favourite rap artist or rap song?
12. What colours would catch your eye in a music magazine?
13. Are you male or female?
14. How much would you pay for a music magazine?



Which of these magazines do you prefer and why?