Tuesday 22 November 2011

College Magazine Front Page

I was asked to create a college magazine cover and contents page and I have done this as followed:
I used a medium close up for the front page of my magazine. My aim was to fill up as much of the page as I could , but my picture was going to take up most of my page. The picture I took was one were the subject is looking at the bottom right side (from their perspective), and their face is without emotion but gives a sense of interest because of the look given. Also there is a relaxed sense to the magazine because of the body language.

I went for a simple lay out putting the cover lines on the bottom left hand side, and kept everything simple so I didnt mess up things and make stuff more complicated for me than it should be, and added a bar code because the magazine would need to be purchased. Also when it came to the font I used a purple masthead to represent the college colours of Christ the King, and for cover-lines I attempted to use bright colours as they would catch out the readers eye. The colours i chose were yellow, red and baby blue as I felt these colours were bright and vibrant.

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