Tuesday 22 November 2011

College Magazine Contents Page

I was asked to create a college magazine cover and contents page and I have done this as followed:

I used a wide shot for the contents page of my magazine as I wanted a contents page with more than 1 person in it, and it ended up as a group photo. My aim was to fill up as much of the page as I could whilst still having a nice background. The picture I took was were the subjects are all looking at the camera relaxing toegether on the steps to represent a friendship, and portay the college as a friendly community. All are looking at the camera except one which is looking at the bottom right side (from their perspective), in an attempt to interest the reader to see what he is looking at. Also there is a relaxed sense to the magazine because of the body language of all the subjects.

I went for a simple lay out putting contents of the magazine in the middle near the top so that is didnt interfere too much with the subjects in the picture. Also when it came to the font I used a green masthead because its bright, vibrant and friendly which could influence the reader to become interested in the magazine and making them feel comfortable reading it.

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