Sunday 25 March 2012

Music Magazine Evaluation- Q3. What kind of media insinuation might distribute your media product and why?

I feel XXL (pronounced double-ex el) is a Hip-Hop magazine, would be most likely to distribute my magazine for a number of reasons. One is the type of magazine I produced follows its conventions so it would appeal to the same target audience. My music magazine also focuses on the rap genre of music, and that is what XXL mainly specialises in as most of their front covers include rap artists such as Eminem, 50 Cent, Dr. Dre, etc. 

Also the distribution of my magazine would mean that XXL would earn more money because the product I have produced appeals to the young target audience and they are the biggest customers for music magazines.

 In addition to that by distributing my magazine there is hardly any competition as music magazines are aimed at a wider target audience and the fact I made my magazine a niche product it will appeal to a certain size of the community and by doing that it will be more likely to succeed as they are the main customers of music magazines in general. If this happens then there would be great benefits for my company (Young World).

Financially the company would hopefully be stable enough from the amount of customers to do partnership deals with XXL working in their favour as my company can obtain artists and stars to feature in the magazine at a lower cost and even participate in advertisements and possibly attract enough support to gain sponsors. By my company benefiting it will benefit XXL as they obtain a slice of the profits my company make as they are the distributors.

I would also like to point out that my magazine would be sold or purchased in stores such as HMV one of the largest UK media/ music stores, particularly for big music fans. It would be the most logical thing to do having my product sold in that store as it specialises in music and the selling of music products. Also WHSmith is another store that sells music and media products so I would most likely look to have my product distributed there as well.

Having these stores distribute my magazine in these stores would allow easier access to purchasing my media product as these stores are well known and have a good reputation keeping their customers loyal (brand loyalty), and the stores are world wide so I could have the magazine produced only for the UK but it could potentially spread to a larger target audience due to the popularity of the stores.

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