Tuesday 20 March 2012

Post Production

Front cover

“i think  that the front cover is really good, it has a good consistency and good colour scheme”. They like the consistency and color scheme, meaning my audience research has worked and it has been picked up by my audience.

“emm i think that the red in the coverlines could be a bit brighter but not too bright to highlight the text
and i think you should add a bit more text to the coverlines on the right hand side or make them a bit bigger or something”. They want the text to stand out on the page and cause a bigger impact, and appear more full of information to really appeal to my audience.


“the contents is alos really good, the color scheme is really nice”. They like the following of convention and my consistency towards the magazine, especially my consistency with the color scheme of the magazine.

“but the small (small) text are too hard to read, especially the red ones and i think you should put a stroke around the numbers on the pictures but other than that it is really good”. They have indicated that they would like the text to stand out more on the page so that they can read it easier and it catches their eyes easier and quicker.  

DPS (Double Page Spread) 

They had no comment
“on the double page spread I think that you should make the gold writing at the top a bit darker or just highlight it more and maybe you should change the font of the text at the bottom coz its on facebook but part from that it looks really good”. They think that I should change the font of the text at the top of my double page spread to make it look clearer.

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