Monday 26 March 2012

Music Magazine Evaluation- Q4.Who would be the audience for your media product?

Judging from the results of my audience research, I’m targeting an 11-19 year old that are in to rap music or are aspiring rappers as my target audience. Also the age group was suitable for the type of artists that featured in my magazine, the content of the magazine and the type of magazine. Also rap can be performed by middle aged males and females, but they are usually listened to by the younger generation, insinuating that rap culture belongs to the younger generation.   

The ethnic group would be mainly aimed at black people as the black culture is particularly into rap and hip hop music, so to appeal to that audience a lot of the rappers, if not the majority are black artists and featured or are artists who would appeal to black rappers. However it doesn’t mean to say the magazine isn’t for everyone, just that the magazine is more appealing to the black ethnic group, and it is for both genders.

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